Disability for work, occupational illnesses, crime control, pensions and road safety… just a few of the subjects insurance companies have to deal with every day. Political decisions and developments in society often have a major impact on the insurance world. This is why it is so important that the interests of insurers, and hence also the interests of their clients, are properly considered in making those decisions and that the industry closely monitors opportunities and threats in determining its policy.
This is precisely where the Dutch Association of Insurers has a role to play, as an association which represents the common interests of private insurance companies in the Netherlands.
The strategic path to 2021
Every three years, the members of the Association set the course for the coming period. In the period 2019-2021, the sector is looking to strengthen its social profile even more, particularly as regards insurability. We are eager to help in finding modern solutions. We do this in close cooperation, with partnerships and in co-creation with others including the government. In addition, we respond to transitions and systemic changes, we stimulate entrepreneurship by removing barriers and we try to create new space. In all of this we prefer to ‘look’ at things from the perspective of consumers, so that we are better able to help them in dealing with risks (offering insight, prevention and awareness).
In addition, we are working to develop a vibrant sector by striving for business growth and stimulating a more effective and more efficient operational management for our members.
Four main tasks as a trade Association
Representation & advocacy
In the first place, the Association represents its members and links these to society. In practice, this means that we are involved in discussions on a daily basis with the government, other (trade) associations, supervisors, NGOs and the media both in The Hague and in Brussels. On boards, committees and in work groups, we bring forward the interests of our members who we then disseminate to government, politicians and other organisations, both nationally and internationally. Our representation of interests focuses on strengthening our social role and on seeking insurance solutions. We like to think and talk about all kinds of subjects. These include pensions or social security in our country and also the security of homes or the consequences of climate change. Hereby the interests of the customer are always paramount.
Improving & maintaining the reputation of the sector
A second task of the Association is to promote and protect the insurance industry’s good name in the Netherlands. Communication is an important element of this aspect of its activities. The Association coordinates the PR for the entire sector, keeps the media informed of the industry’s policy and responds to trends. Via the Association’s (Dutch) website (www.verzekeraars.nl anyone interested can keep in touch with the latest insurance news and the activities of the Association.
For a considerable time the objective of the insurance industry has been to restore trust: it must be customer-oriented. Also through self-regulation and control, we increase the quality of the sector and strengthen the confidence of consumers and stakeholders.
Providing a platform
In addition to representing interests, we offer our members and partners a platform. Members can meet each other at the Association and together think about our vision and policy for financial and economic affairs and socially relevant themes. Topics examined include insurability, the climate, data handling and the future of the labour market.
In our high-tech InsuranceLAB, insurers and InsurTechs can innovate and learn from each other. There is also the annual general assembly where members discuss general policy.
The Association spots trends, shares knowledge and is both a mouthpiece and point of contact.
Providing services
Representing interests means you have to be there for your members. In its role as their representative the Association closely monitors relevant developments and so acts as a centre of expertise for its members. The members are kept informed of activities through various channels. Since the Association coordinates the collective interests of the sector as a whole it plays an advisory role on the policy its members should pursue.